Your Coaching Journey

Doctors’ Coaching Conference

Wednesday 30th April 2025

‘For the Love of Coaching’

Come together with your fellow coaching doctors to celebrate your journey into the world of coaching

Wednesday 30th April 9.00 am – 5.00pm BST (GMT +1)

& you’re welcome to join us on Tuesday 29th for walking coaching – if you’re staying the night before

Book your ticket now for just £197

Join us for an exciting day of coaching workshops designed to deepen your coaching learning and expand your horizons.


Have the opportunity to engage in a pre-conference walking coaching event on the afternoon of

29th April

Hear from leading experts in the coaching space

Helen Leathers
tom dillon
Tom Dillon
Dr Indika

The Dancing Doctor

Teresa Leyman

Master Coach, Author, & Supervisor

Dr. Amy-Jo Farrow

Occupational Health Physician & Burnout Coach

Dr. Jo Hartley

Career and Life Coach for Doctors

Our Conference Workshops

Helping Doctors Craft a Career They’ll Love

Dr. Jo Hartley

In her fascinating conference session Jo will be providing an insight into how you can utilise the coaching skills your already possess to support doctors in conversations about their careers. Jo spends much of her time in the coaching room engaging in conversations that allow doctors to connect with their passion, purpose and values to create sustainable careers they’ll love.

Get ready for another engaging, interactive, and thought-provoking session where you’ll explore ways to implement your skills to support coachees to thrive professionally.

Creativity in coaching

Dr. Amy Jo Farrow

Amy-Jo’s workshop session will be exploring ways to use creativity in coaching to allow coaching clients to open up to new possibilities and gain new perspectives on their situation. Even those clients who believe that they’re not remotely creative can engage those parts of their brain that they’re not used to connecting with and gain novel insights. Amy-Jo will offer some practical ways for us to draw on our coachee’s imagination and feel inspired to explore new ways of looking at their life.

It’s going to be another enlightening, interactive and absorbing session that will allow you to examine your own inner creativity and consider how you might help your coachees to use their own creative thinking to good effect in the coaching room.

Playfulness in coaching

Teresa Leyman

Teresa’s workshop session will be exploring ways to introduce some playfulness into your coaching. Coaching clients are going to connect to different concepts of play in their own unique way and so it’s useful to be agile in your sense of play as a coach. Learning how to introduce a variety of playful ways of being with your coachees will allow you to draw out their creativity and to explore new possibilities.

It’s gong to be a fun, interactive and fascinating session that will allow you to find your own unique sense of playfulness and to use it to in your coaching.

Movement and dance in coaching

Dr Indika

Bring more energy, connection, and creativity to your coaching.

An interactive movement, fun, and music-based workshop exploring the science behind dance, and how it can relieve stress, uplift morale, and ignite creativity

Dr Indika helps empower women to live their true selves by using a whole-person in-depth approach that respects both emerging progressive science and evidence steeped in ancient wisdom. This includes functional medicine & coaching and other alternative interventions, including joyful energy boosting dancing, fully tailored to the individuals needs.

Sharing Your Love For  Coaching

Helen Leathers

When you love coaching as much as we do, you tend to want to spread the word!

Maybe you have been asked at work to present on the power of coaching in the NHS, or maybe you would like to offer to share your experiences in coaching at an event. Perhaps you’re looking to promote yourself and are thinking that talks and presentations will help generate new leads and potential clients (by the way, this works rather well!).

But you may be wondering how you will put together a powerful presentation, and present it with impact and panache.

In Helen’s workshop she will be helping you to think about structuring a presentation that will share your love of coaching and provide some top tips on how to go about actually doing it in a calm, confident, yet engaging manner.

Helen’s first paying coaching clients came from presenting at a business event and this is most definitely her preferred way to engage with potential coachees, as well as to share the love she has for coaching.

Celebrate your journey into the world of transformational coaching.

Come together with the friends that you have made 
and make some new ones too.

In the heart of the Warwickshire countryside, on the doorstep of Warwick Castle, Royal Leamington Spa and Shakespeare’s Stratford-upon-Avon, we return to the luxurious spa hotel, The Ardencote.

Why not make the most of your visit with an overnight stay in this lovely location? 
The post code for the venue is CV35 8LT and is well served by air, road and rail.

Wednesday 30th April: Your conference day will include:

  • attendance to all workshops, presentations and key-notes
  • refreshments throughout the day
  • two-course lunch
  • networking opportunities
  • special celebratory gift
  • & possibly dancing – it’s become a thing we do!
If you plan to make a break of it why not:
  • join us for a walking coaching activity on Tuesday afternoon
  • book a room direct with the hotel at a special rate*
  • enjoy a spa treatment or relax in the hotel’s spa facilities
  • arrange to meet your fellow coaching doctors for a meal?

    *Special rates available direct from the hotel for bed and breakfast, single or double occupancy, with dinner or without. Prices start at £95 Details of how to book and your discount code will be sent by email on booking your conference ticket. 

    Spaces are limited.
    Book your ticket now and secure your place to avoid 
    missing your chance to come together for what is now an annual event. 

    Ticket Price £197

    “Another fabulous one! 3 out of 3 ace conferences”
    Sarah Goulding

    “What a fabulous day, so much learning and insight.”
    Jennifer Whitehill

    “Thank you Helen, Tom, all presenters and participants – an amazing event, so grateful”
    Melanie Quinton

    “As always, a well organised and fantastic workshops today. Thank you very much to you and all the team.”
    Rebecca Khanna

    “Best Conference yet!”
    Anna Turney

    “Fantastic – I am so inspired now”
    Donna McGrath