The Doctors’ Coaching Blog
Here we share our thoughts on how doctors can utilise coaching to support those around them, from clients to patients, from mentees to trainees; from patients to colleagues; and from colleagues to family and friends. Well executed coaching skills have the ability to transform any conversation into an opportunity to generate new ideas and, from there, to transform relationships into more balanced and empowering thinking partnerships.
We’ll also share more insights in to our Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma.
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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Prefer to listen? This blog post forms the basis of a podcast on our new coaching model, which you...
The ‘Time To Think’ Approach To Coaching
For us, coaching is all about allowing our coachees to have time to think about their situation, their desired outcomes and their ideas for achieving those outcomes.
We know that being truly present with our coachees and holding that space for them while they think to the end of their thoughts is invaluable. This is where their new thinking is generated.
‘Time To Think’ is also the name of a particular coaching approach devised by Nancy Kline that has some unique characteristics and a very specific structure when coaching individuals.
In this article we explore what the ‘Time to Think’ approach looks like, what we see as the benefits of the approach and also what we perceive to be its limitations
How Much Should I Charge For Coaching?
“How much should I charge for my coaching?”
This is a common question that we hear from new coaches and sadly, there isn’t a succinct answer. It can feel like a minefield when it comes to pricing, and we’re all looking for that ‘goldilocks’ amount that feels right for us, and also is acceptable to the coachees that we are attracting to our coaching space.
We can’t tell you what you should be charging for your coaching, but we can help you reach your own right answer. In this episode we talk through the different elements involved, from overcoming a reluctance to charge anything, to getting to grips with the cost of providing a coaching service, and then gaining an understanding of the true value of your coaching.
The JoHari Window
Prefer to listen? This blog post forms the basis of a podcast on our new coaching model, which you...
How Can Coaching Help With Motivation?
Prefer to listen? This blog post forms the basis of a podcast on our new coaching model, which you...
Coaching With Metaphors
Metaphors are an aspect of language that most of us will happily use until the cows come home. However, because we are so used to building metaphor into our speech it passes us by, uncovered, and we are denied the lightbulb moments that might guide us if we were to wake up and smell the coffee.
Kübler-Ross Never Had a Change Curve
Prefer to listen? This blog post forms the basis of a podcast on our new coaching model, which you...
What Is Covered On Our Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma?
Find out more about what you will learn to use on our Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma. We will look at the foundations of coach…
Helping Clients To Live A Meaningful Life
Prefer to listen? This blog post forms the basis of a podcast on our new coaching model, which you...