The Doctors’ Coaching Blog

Here we share our thoughts on how doctors can utilise coaching to support those around them, from clients to patients, from mentees to trainees; from patients to colleagues; and from colleagues to family and friends. Well executed coaching skills have the ability to transform any conversation into an opportunity to generate new ideas and, from there, to transform relationships into more balanced and empowering thinking partnerships.

We’ll also share more insights in to our Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma

Read our Articles About Coaching:

The Clean Language Approach To Coaching
The Clean Language Approach To Coaching

We know that reflecting back the coachee’s own words in a coaching session often proves more powerful than paraphrasing, and the ‘Clean Language’ approach takes this approach to another level.
In using the client’s own terminology, a clean language coach builds on their choice of words to elicit metaphors and a metaphorical landscape that allows the coachee to think differently, and gain new insights, about themself and their situation.

In this article we will explore what the ‘Clean Language’ approach sounds like, how it is constructed and what we might draw from it to weave into a more integrative approach to coaching

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What Is Accreditation and Do I Need to Apply?
What Is Accreditation and Do I Need to Apply?

Accreditation – ‘What is it?’ and ‘Why would I want to apply for accreditation?’

These are questions that we are asked from time to time, and so we thought that we’d offer our thoughts on the matter in this episode of the podcast. While it’s not essential to be personally accredited as a coach, there are some real benefits for those who do apply for accreditation.

In her role as an accreditation assessor with the Association for Coaching, Helen is well-versed in the assessment criteria that applicants are expected to meet. She is, therefore, well placed to answer your questions and concerns about accreditation and the accreditation process.

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How Can Coaching Help With Change?
How Can Coaching Help With Change?

We regularly explore the topics that coachees might bring to a coaching conversation. One such topic is ‘change’; a huge topic that encompasses many different potential areas of a coachee’s life.

Sometimes, the coaching might be focused on a change that is happening around the coachee or it might be a change that the coachee wants to bring about for themself.

Either way, everyone responds to change differently and there is a broad spectrum of how impactful and challenging change can be.

In this article we explore how we might help our coachees to navigate change in their personal or professional lives, whether it’s change they want to see or change that they feel is being done to them. We touch on Kübler Ross’s model of change and also the work of Swedish psychologist, Claes Janssen who developed the Change House model to describe the different rooms that someone might enter as they move through a period of change.

Join us for an interesting exploration of how we might start to talk about change with our coachees.

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The ‘Time To Think’ Approach To Coaching
The ‘Time To Think’ Approach To Coaching

For us, coaching is all about allowing our coachees to have time to think about their situation, their desired outcomes and their ideas for achieving those outcomes.

We know that being truly present with our coachees and holding that space for them while they think to the end of their thoughts is invaluable. This is where their new thinking is generated.

‘Time To Think’ is also the name of a particular coaching approach devised by Nancy Kline that has some unique characteristics and a very specific structure when coaching individuals.

In this article we explore what the ‘Time to Think’ approach looks like, what we see as the benefits of the approach and also what we perceive to be its limitations

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How Much Should I Charge For Coaching?
How Much Should I Charge For Coaching?

“How much should I charge for my coaching?”

This is a common question that we hear from new coaches and sadly, there isn’t a succinct answer. It can feel like a minefield when it comes to pricing, and we’re all looking for that ‘goldilocks’ amount that feels right for us, and also is acceptable to the coachees that we are attracting to our coaching space.

We can’t tell you what you should be charging for your coaching, but we can help you reach your own right answer. In this episode we talk through the different elements involved, from overcoming a reluctance to charge anything, to getting to grips with the cost of providing a coaching service, and then gaining an understanding of the true value of your coaching.

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