Amy-Jo Farrow

Dr Sarah Clark-Maxwell

🌍 Scotland, U.K.
🌍 Online on Zoom, and in-person. 
💡Life and Lifestyle Health Transformational Coaching

💬 Website

I’m a retired GP, Lifestyle Medicine Physician, and Transformational Coach. I offer both Life Coaching, and Lifestyle Health Coaching, or a blend of both depending on what individual requirements are.

Clients on my in app intensive health reset programme, the Radiance Programme, also have access to one-to-one coaching and/ or group coaching.

I work with clients listening carefully to them, using silence and reflection, open questions and a number of coaching tools. I enjoy seeing my clients begin to understand and value themselves better, learn to think well, and become powerful in reaching their goals, becoming a healthier version of themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and in their communication and relationships. I use a blend of person-focussed and solution-focused approaches.

In response to individual needs, I give clients evidence-based information regarding Lifestyle Health (such as intelligent nutrition, hormones and appetite, weight management, fasting, emotional eating, exercise science, brain health, mental and emotional wellbeing, stress management, behaviour change, positive psychology, optimum sleep, and reducing unhealthy substances) as well as topics such as menopause management, personality, strengths and values, relationship psychology and neuro-psychology. I support each client in integrating whatever is relevant to them in order to help them become the best version of themselves, and to understand better their value, purpose and over all health.

I enjoy encouraging clients along their journey, welcoming their emotions, helping them to make decisions by finding their own best solutions and celebrating who they are, as well as what they achieve.

Please get in touch if you feel I can help in anyway.

Certified Transformational Coach with Your Coaching Journey Limited

Member of the Association for Coaching.