The Doctors’ Coaching Blog

Here we share our thoughts on how doctors can utilise coaching to support those around them, from clients to patients, from mentees to trainees; from patients to colleagues; and from colleagues to family and friends. Well executed coaching skills have the ability to transform any conversation into an opportunity to generate new ideas and, from there, to transform relationships into more balanced and empowering thinking partnerships.

We’ll also share more insights in to our Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma.

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Values In The Coaching Room
Values In The Coaching Room

Values are an important aspect of coaching and your values may not become apparent until they are challenged or trampled on. Alternatively, you may be keenly aware of your most important values and actively seek to live a life aligned with them.

We know that working with a coachee around understanding what their values are and how they are showing up in their life, can have a dramatic impact on their views of the world, and themselves, as well as the coaching outcomes they achieve.

In this article we explore what values are, why they’re important, and how to work with them in the coaching room.

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Psychometrics and Personality Profiling
Psychometrics and Personality Profiling

In this article we explore the psychology behind a number of psychometrics or personality profiling tools that may prove useful in the coaching room. Asking a coachee to complete a personality questionnaire and then working through their report with them can be a great way to increase their self-awareness and also their awareness of the individual personality differences that others might have.

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Ethics In Coaching
Ethics In Coaching

As coaches we are having conversations that matter, and discussing topics that are important to our coachees. With any conversations of importance thought is required around how we hold that space for our coachees and how we show up as coaches. Coaching is an unregulated industry and it therefore falls to coaching bodies to try to ensure that its members act with professionalism, integrity and an ethical approach.

In this article we explore the subject of ethics and what an ethical approach might look like to coaches within their own practice.

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Coaching For Wellbeing
Coaching For Wellbeing

We regularly explore topics that coachees might bring to a coaching conversation.

One such topic is ‘Wellbeing’. In the last 10 years, Wellbeing has become a huge topic for discussion in many settings, including workplaces, schools and GP practices.

Wellbeing is a hugely diverse topic with many different elements and meanings assigned to it. So, whether you consider yourself a wellbeing coach or not, you are likely to come across clients who want to explore it in some way as a topic for coaching.

Join us as we discuss what wellbeing is, or could be, and how you might explore it with a client in the coaching room.

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The Drama Triangle
The Drama Triangle

The Drama Triangle offers another way to explore the coachee’s perception of their inter-personal relationship dynamics and behaviour patterns. It is an extremely useful model to be aware of as a coach, and to introduce to your coachee to help raise awareness about their view of their situation. It is useful to demonstrate some caution when using the model in the coaching room, but it is a great way of helping the coachee gain a new perspective on the roles they’re playing in their relationships.

In this article we explore the Drama Triangle and how we might use it to its full advantage in the coaching room.

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